WARNING: Capital at risk.


Your investment would be as an unsecured loan into Solar for Schools Community Benefit Society Ltd (CBS), una sociedad establecida para criar y poseer los activos solares en nombre de las escuelas. La Sociedad tiene su propia junta directiva para el gobierno independiente, pero no tiene empleados, ya que simplemente posee los paneles y subcontrata toda la administración y gestión de los paneles solares a Solar Options for Schools Ltd, que ya administra paneles solares en más de 50 escuelas en el Reino Unido.

The intention is that once the solar panels are installed and running for a few years, they will be re-financed with companies such as Social and Sustainable Capital and Triodos bank and Bond investors will be re-paid in full. Whilst we take great care in planning each system, there is no guarantee that the solar panels will deliver sufficient income to cover interest and repayments every year or that the Bonds can be re-financed within the 5 year period, hence there is a risk that you will not receive all your investment back within 5 years. You must read the prospectus and all risk factors included within it carefully before deciding to invest.

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