Wendy Litherland
15 años de experiencia guiando iniciativas de sostenibilidad en secudarias.
Coordinador local del Grupo Eco Cluster. Co-facilita la conferencia ambiental infantil más grande del Reino Unido: NW Eco Schools.
Ganador de múltiples premios de educación sobre sostenibilidad, incluidos los Premios de la Semana del Clima, el premio nacional de escuelas sostenibles SSAT y el Premio a la Sostenibilidad del Departamento de Educación en el 2021.
Coautor de los viajes de aprendizaje en la aplicación móvil Solar for Schools para estudiantes y profesores.
BSc (hons) en Fisiología de la Universidad de Manchester, PGCE MA (Educación) y NPQS
Peter Roberts
Senior Project Manager and Technical Advisor to the Education Funding Agency.
School Governor Associate of the Chartered institute of Building.
Marino Charalambous
CEO de CHATS Academy Trust.
Oversees five schools in the Cuckoo Hall Academies Trust, all of which have solar funded or managed by SfS.
Previous experience in finance and project management at HSBC and Siemens Financial Services as well 15-years at Managing Director level experience in digital marketing consultancies and other businesses.
Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Ann Flaherty
Business & Project Director for Solar Options for Schools
MSc Sustainable Development.
Robert Schrimpf
Cofundador & CEO of Solar Options for Schools Ltd.
M.Eng in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College London.
MBA in Entrepreneurship and Finance from INSEAD